Pilgrim Institute serves families, Christian leaders, concerned citizens, businessmen, and educators, equipping them – through training and support materials – to assist in the restoration of Biblical principles in our Republic.

CD, Jeanette Whittaker, CD0615P


CD, Ruth Smith, CD0617P


CD, Carl Henry, CD06G1P


CD, Ruth Smith, CD06G2P


CD, Glen Jaspers, CD06G3P


CD, David Holmes, CD06G5P


DVD, The Bible God's Mind Concerning Everything, Dr. Glen Jaspers, DVD04G02P, $20.00


DVD, A Biblical View of Government, Ruth Smith, DVD04G04P, $20.00


CD, One God Working, James Rose, CD0512P, $7.00


CD, Christianity and Liberty, James Rose, CD05G01P, $7.00


CD, Liberty and Law, Paul Jehle, CD05G02P, $7.00


CD, Self Government and Liberty, Michael Jackson, CD05G03P, $7.00


CD, Perpetuating the Legacy of Liberty, Ruth Smith, CD05G04P, $5.00


American Christian Leadership in the Home, Church and Nation, 4-DVD Bundle


CD, Darold Booton, Jr., CD0811P


DVD, Why America's Christian History and Gov't, Ruth Smith, DVD0801, $20.00


DVD, Seven Principles of America's Christian History & Gov't.,James Rose, DVD0808P, $20.00


DVD, The Providential Approach to History, Ruth Smith, DVD0815P, $20.00


DVD Bundle

Product List
The Character and Responsibility of a Leader
Cultivating American Christian Leadership
Leadership Demanded by a Republic

CD, Perpetuating the Legacy of Liberty, Ruth Smith, MP05G04P, $7.00
