- Hits: 1231
A religious and education foundation.
American Christian History Institute (A.C.H.I.) was established in 1968 for the purpose of teaching Christians: That there would be no America if there were no Christianity; Why Christians are so important to God in respect to “His Story” and government of men and nations; How responsible they are for the quality and conduct of American education, government and economics; and How to restore America’s historic Biblical method of reasoning to the home, church and school, the three constituents of Constitutional Liberty.
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A religious foundation. Katherine Dang, President
Philomath Foundation is dedicated to advancing the Biblical principles and ideas of American Christian history, government, and education and their applications in today’s world, concentrating specifically on serving the educational needs of the American Christian home, church and civil government.
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The Providence Foundation is a Christian educational organization whose mission is to train leaders to transform their culture for Christ, and to teach all citizens how to disciple nations. We have been working since our founding in 1984 to fulfill Christ’s commission to “make disciples of all nations.” Such nations will have transformed people, but also transformed institutions – family, church, and state. We have focused on training in a principled, biblical education that has historically produced liberty, justice, prosperity, virtue, and knowledge in people and nations.
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Plymouth Rock Foundation
The founding document of Plymouth Rock Foundation states that it: “will seek to foster a greater public awareness and understanding of American history, ideas, and ideals, particularly as embodied in the lives of the Pilgrims who founded the Plymouth Colony in 1620…. their devotion to God and the Bible, to freedom and to tolerance, and their embodiment of courage, brotherhood, and individual moral character.”
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The Jenney Museum
At the Jenney Interpretive Centre, as we are now called, we teach about the Pilgrims and the impact they had on the founding and ongoing development of our country as well as how important it is to learn your history and to teach it to your children. We also go beyond the Pilgrim story through the history of what made our country the great country it is today.
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American Foundations Institute
This religious educational institution will educate Americans to think Biblically, speak governmentally, and live virtuously in order to uphold and sustain our American Christian Constitutional Federal Republic, and maintain a love for liberty with responsibility. AFI exists to teach, illustrate, demonstrate, and develop Godly character and leadership in all spheres of life and living which will advance individual liberty and self-government.
- Hits: 299
Foundation for American Christian Education
The Foundation for American Christian Education publishes and teaches America’s Christian history and method of education by Biblical principles to restore Christian self- government and character to the individual, to families, to the church and to the nations.