

pilgrim institute seal

Teaching Resources

Free Video

A presentation by Ruth Smith. The true story of the background and origin of the beginnings of our Thanksgiving day.

Remembering the Pilgrims

William BradfordPoem attributed to William Bradford

 Children Reading An Old-Time Thanksgiving, available as an audio download or CD.

Historic Resources

Audio Download

The Pilgrims and Their Pastor

Ruth Smith


Audio Download

The Pilgrim Economy – A Pattern of Christian Stewardship for Today.
James Rose

Other Resources

Christian History of the Constitution
Read eighty-five pages from William Bradford's History of Plimoth Plantation in The Christian History of the Constitution: Christian Self-Government

Thanksgiving CardsThanksgiving Cards

Restoring Americ 50ad0f78a9c9d
Commemorating the 250th anniversary of the Pilgrim's landing in America, Rev. H.M. Goodwin delivered two discourses on The Pilgrim Fathers: A Glance at Their History, Character and Principles. He introduced his topic as follows:
"I propose to speak of our obligation to the Pilgrim Fathers, and to show these by considering
I. Who the Pilgrims were, and what they did and suffered in this world, for the cause of God and humanity.
II. Their character, faith and polity, and the influence of these upon the character of the Nation.
III. The duty we owe to their memory and principles. . . ."
Read the complete discourses in 
Restoring America's Heritage of Pastoral Leadership