Home Influences for Character and Patriotism
Home Influences for Character and Patriotism
Lynn Meier
Writing about the Christian home, Rev. S. Phillips stated, "It forms the citizen, lays the foundation for civil and political character, prepares the social element and taste, and determines our national prosperity or adversity. We owe to the family, therefore, what we are as a nation as well as individuals...It is on the family altar that the fire of patriotism is first kindled, and often, too, by a mother's hand." This truth, recorded by Rev. Phillips almost one hundred fifty years ago, is seen in the life of Abigail Adams, a true American patriot.
The life of Abigail Adams provides an example of American Christian character - Christian love, bravery, diligence, faith, and steadfastness. Her position as wife of an American president and the mother of another gave her a unique position in America's history. The many letters which Abigail wrote to other women and to her husband reveal her intense patriotism, love of liberty, and commitment to her family. This workshop examines the influences which helped form Abigail's character and the contributions she made to the lives of her children and her nation.
CD – $7.00