Imparting a Love of History
Imparting a Love of History in the Family
Mrs. Ruth Smith
CD $7.00
If history is His Story, then a love of God should produce a love of history. As well, a love of history should bring forth a love for the God of history. This workshop will address this relationship and how it is nurtured within the family.Historic examples and practical suggestions will be given for imparting a love of history through activities in the home. Abigail Adams provides an example of a mother who actively pursued developing the love of history in her son, John Quincy Adams. She wrote of this to her husband: "I have taken a great fondness for reading Rollins Ancient History since you left me. I am determined to go through with it, if possible in these, my days of solitude. I find great pleasure and entertainment from it, and I have persuaded Johnny to read me a page or two every day and hope he will, for his desire to oblige me, entertain a fondness for it."