A Guide to American Christian Education
A Guide to American Christian Education
for the Home and School
The Principle Approach
By James B. Rose
The Classic Curriculum Guide for the Principle Approach Application to Home – School-at-Home – Christian School
| The Guide provides an in-depth, detailed and historical explanation of the Principle Approach and of "how to think governmentally" from a Biblical perspective. It breaks out the principles of America's Christian history; provides direction in how to teach America's Christian history and government; includes charts, diagrams, and a Biblical index to explain the Principle Approach and how to apply it in the Home, School-at-Home, and the School curriculum. |
Explains the Biblical philosophy of education that formed the world's first Christian Republic.
Contrasts child-centered and subject-centered education with The Principle Approach.
Identifies how to achieve academically two aspects of American Christian Constitutional government: the external goal of a limited, representative government and the internal goal of American Christian character.
Provides a method of determining the Biblical and historical basis of the fundamental principles of America's Christian History.
Demonstrates how our efforts to think and act govern mentally in all areas of our lives reflect our educational philosophy.
Suggests how the Biblical principles of America's Christian History are taught at home to form the character to maintain civil and religious liberty.
Records the aspirations and struggles of one family to establish a truly American Christian home.
Identifies what The Principle Approach has meant to home schooling parents in America.
Outlines how parent-teachers can put learning into a framework of Biblical principles and leading ideas.
Explains how to develop your own American Christian philosophy and curriculum at home with The Principle Approach and the help of Master Teachers.
Offers practical suggestions on how the same principles may be taught in every grade.
Teaches how to 4-R a subject and discover the principles that govern it.
Introduces some of America's Master Teachers and how they took possession of a subject Biblically, historically, governmentally and academically with The Principle Approach.
Illustrates how to discern God's Providence in a subject as it contributed to the History of Liberty.
Demonstrates a way to view the whole subject and to discover the unity of all subjects in the curriculum.
Outlines course goals, overviews and sample lesson for elementary and high school curriculum.
"...the restoration of The Principle Approach is a major contribution of James Rose's ministry to Christians who wish to once again both learn and teach that Biblical philosophy of education which formed us 'one nation under God." ---- Rosalie J. Slater
Guide - $65.00