Instruction for Downloading Purchased Items:

Once you check out (purchase) an MP3, you will receive an order confirmation via email. A separate email will be received which will provide the link to download to your computer. Click the link to download and save to your computer (in a place you can locate easily later, such as My Documents). If your computer saves the document automatically and you are not locating the file, please try looking in a Downloads folder or search your computer for the title.

Please note: Each purchase must be downloaded within 10 days of the purchase transaction. Only three download attempts, per purchase, may be made during that time period.

CD, The Bronze Bow - Teacher's Guide, Katherine Dang, $15.00


CD, Abe Lincoln Grows Up - Teacher's Guide, Katherine Dang, $15.00


CD, Amos Fortune - Teacher's Guide, Katherine Dang, $15.00


DVD, The Principle Approach - How to Develop a Course using the 4-R's, David Holmes, DVD0822P, $20.00


DVD, Developing and Teaching a Literary Classic, Jeanette Whittaker, DVD0829P, $20.00


MP3, Josh Bullard, MP0722P
