Where We Are in American Education Today
Where We Are in American Education Today
Download - $5.00
Join Rosalie Slater, special honored guest of Pilgrim as she identifies the signs of the times in American education and provides the American Christian educator with leading idea to address them.
Miss Slater identifies the 3 Signs of the Times as those things (needs) our American culture is currently asking for in education:
- Content in education
- Knowledge of our Constitution
- Moral instruction and public virtue
Miss Slater provides clear guidance on how American Christian educators can answer these rally cries through Leading Ideas for the American Christian educator to flesh out, including:
- knowledge of our constitutional background
- mastery of the Bible
- understanding and acknowledging God's Providential timing
Miss Slater references Miss Verna Hall, as she addresses public character based on private virtue, ""When God's people forget him either in their personal life or in their nation's life they are in great trouble, it's an offense to God and he will share his glory with no other. American Christians forgetting God and their history concerns me far more than the growth of socialism and communism. To offend God is the most dangerous thing God's people can do and we've been doing it for about 150 years."
Equip yourself and other educators with the understanding of God's mighty works, giving them hope for their task.
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