Audio Downloads
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Once you check out (purchase) an MP3, you will receive an order confirmation via email. A separate email will be received which will provide the link to download to your computer. Click the link to download and save to your computer (in a place you can locate easily later, such as My Documents). If your computer saves the document automatically and you are not locating the file, please try looking in a Downloads folder or search your computer for the title.
Please note: Each purchase must be downloaded within 10 days of the purchase transaction. Only three download attempts, per purchase, may be made during that time period.
A Biblical Response to Anger
Audio Download, A Biblical Response to Anger, Christl Estre, MP1048P, $5.00
Amos Fortune, Free Man, 1 hr lecture
Audio Download; Amos Fortune, Free Man Katherine Dang; MP1046P
Law and Equity: The Jud. Power of the Sup. Court & Parents, Too!
Download, Law and Equity: The Judicial Power of the Supreme Court and Parents, Too!, James Rose, MP1044P $5.00
Discerning the Foundations of Subjects, How to 4-R
Download and PDF file, Discerning the Foundation of Subjects, How to 4-R, Lynn Meier, MP1042P, $7.00
Teaching the Literature of Thirteen Colonies
Download, Teaching the Literature of the Thirteen Colonies, Rosalie Slater, MP1041P, $5.00
Where We Are in American Education Today
Download, Where We Are in American Education Today, Rosalie Slater, MP1043P, $5.00
Teaching Bible in the American Christian School
Download, Teaching Bible in the American Christian School, Miss Rosalie Slater, MP1040P, $5.00
The Education of James Madison - A Model of Christian Character
Download, The Education of James Madison - A Model of Christian Character & Self-Government, Mary-Elaine Swanson, MP1039P, $5.00
Free Men, States, and Churches
Download, Free Men, States, and Churches, Mary-Elaine Swanson, MP1036P, $5.00
Christian Unity: The Basis of the American Union
Download, Christian Unity: The Basis of the American Union, Mary-Elaine Swanson, MP1035P, $5.00
The Pilgrims and Their Pastor
Audio Download, The Pilgrims and Their Pastor, Ruth Smith,MP1002P, $5.00
The Pilgrim Economy -- A Pattern of Christian Stewardship
Audio Download, The Pilgrim Economy -- A Pattern of Christian Stewardship, James Rose, MP1006P, $5.00
The Christian and Pagan Ideas of God, Man and Government
Audio Download, The Christian and Pagan Ideas of God, Man and Government, Lynn Meier, MP1013P, $5.00
The Bible: God's Mind Concerning Everything
Audio Download, The Bible: God's Mind Concerning Everything, Glen Jaspers, MP1012P, $5.00
Teaching Rudiments of Economics in the Home and Day School
Audio Download, Teaching the Rudiments of Economics in the Home and Day School, James Rose, MP1024P, $5.00
Teaching Lit. in the Primary Grades: The Works of A.A. Milne
Audio Download, Teaching Literature in the Primary Grades: The Works of A.A. Milne, Lynn Meier, MP1020P, $5.00
Rudiments of Language with Six Styles of Writing
Audio Download, Rudiments of Language with Six Styles of Writing, Katherine Dang, MP1025P, $5.00
Regional Writers of Nineteenth Century America
Audio Download, Regional Writers of Nineteenth Century America, Jeanette Whittaker, MP1023P, $5.00