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Teaching Tip

Student Recording – The classroom or homeschool teacher is challenged to guide the student
 in remembering the main idea of each lesson. How will the Student's Recording accomplish this?

TeachingTipsGenericStudent Recording

By the first grade, the main Ideas to be remembered by the student may become a part of his permanent record in the notebook, with adequate facts to support the Idea. This recording may be accomplished in a variety of ways:

  • A sentence(s) which reflects the Leading Idea may be recorded.
  • Charts showing contrasts, comparisons, cause to effect, or effect to cause are effective in developing reasoning skills.
  • Timelines demonstrate the Providence of God in events of history, or in the study of the Scriptures, literature, science, etc.
  • The student may simply record a list which reflects the fruit of reasoning from the Leading Ideas.

The difficulty of the charts, timelines, or outlines is determined by the age of the student. For the elementary student, the charts, timelines, or outlines are kept simple in their form and content. Rule of Thumb: A first grade student may record the equivalent of one sentence in one class for one day; a second grade student may record the equivalent of two sentences in one class for one day; and so on, with a sixth grade student recording the equivalent of six sentences in one class for one day.