Continuing on – 45 years of ministry
Through God’s faithful provision, supported by ministry friends, Pilgrim Institute continues to equip American Christians to be instruments of healing in our nation. We are truly grateful for each one God has called to walk with us in our 45th year of ministry.
Established in 1979 for the
Restoration of American Christian Education and the
Preservation of America’s Providential History
Our founders, including Mrs. Ruth Smith, witnessed the need to re-educate the American Christian in his responsibility to be governed by the principles of the Scriptures in all areas of his life, including the civil sphere, and to restore an understanding of local self government.
For several generations, many American Christians have been unaware of the distinctive, historic, Biblical principles which produced American liberty. As these foundational principles were forgotten or ignored, our nation has drifted further and further away from its original foundation into the practice of socialism.
Pilgrim Institute addresses this need through resources and training which equip individuals to act in their own sphere of influence and their local communities, to restore the ideas and principles which promote individual, religious, economic, political, and civil liberty.
The Pilgrim Institute training program and resource materials present these principles as they are revealed in our nation’s history and reflected in our form of government. The principles are documented historically and Biblically, and related governmentally. Practical application is made for teaching these principles in the home, church, and school setting.
Resources & Training Events Equip Leaders
Ruth Smith and Jeanette Whittaker were blessed to present the first annual Teacher In-Service for First Principles Academy.
Reaching adults, youth, and children
In some cases, the ideas and teaching are now reaching a third generation.
“If it were not for Mighty Works of God curriculum, I may not have ever considered learning more about the founding fathers of each colony. Thank you, Ruth J Smith, for the undertaking of writing the series and your faithfulness to His calling!” Anonymous member, posted Jan. 7, Pilgrim Institute Forum
“Thank you for all your work in remembering what God has graciously done and His mighty works!” – R. C., OK, Rudiments alumni
“Learning America’s Christian history changed my family’s life. The sacrificial character of those who gave their all for our freedom, calls me to a higher level of responsibility. Our nation’s challenges are great, only surpassed by God‘s supreme will to heal and restore. I look forward to sharing this joy with my daughter-in-law and grandsons.” C.D., FL, Rudiments alumni, Educator
Sharing Resources for Families and Educators
Thanks to the support of ministry friends, Pilgrim Institute continues to share valuable teaching and resources for home and classroom educators, families, and Christian leaders. These valuable tools enable others to testify to the Biblical, governmental principles and Providential history which achieved liberty in our nation. Living out these truths is vital for our future.
Inspired by Mrs. Ruth Smith’s teaching, and encouraged by Mr. Ralph Bullard’s leadership and the ongoing Teacher Training at Christian Heritage Academy, Del City, OK, Mrs. Garner faithfully teaches Kindergarten students about His Story.
Continuing The Mighty Works of God history series
Mrs. Ruth Smith and Mrs. Dixie Thompson collaborated over several months on the new student text, The Mighty Works of God, Preserving Liberty.
Countless hours are invested to research, write, and edit both the Student Text and Teacher Guide. We are asking God to provide all that is needed for the project to continue moving forward. See more about the project here.
Tools for Learning
Interview – Highlights from 45 years of ministry
Mrs. Alicia Ahlers and Mr. Paul Thomas interviewed Mrs. Ruth Smith, sharing highlights from 45 years of ministry!
Will you join the effort?
In the coming year, we believe God will bring many new opportunities to plant and cultivate seeds of liberty. Lord willing, we hope to:
- Present ministry resources and training at additional events
- Continue to add online training events, to expand our reach
- Equip others to advocate for liberty in their own sphere of influence
- Present authentic accounts of America’s Providential history to inform and educate
- Publish Volume V, The Mighty Works of God: Preserving Liberty
- Replace office equipment to enhance ministry outreach
- Introduce many new contacts to Biblical ideas for all of life and learning
To achieve these goals, we need additional financial support from ministry friends like yourself who value the message and are willing to partner with us.
Click here to join the effort!
We look forward to hearing from you! Let us know how you could support Pilgrim Institute’s efforts to equip parents, educators, concerned citizens, and Christian leaders to work together for liberty.