
American Leadership of the 18th, 19th, and 20th Centuries

American Leadership of the 18th, 19th, and 20th Centuries Compiled by Ruth Smith In God’s Providence, He provides the right individuals, with the unique character to lead the nation at each period of history. At a Pilgrim Institute event focused on American Leadership, enlightening presentations were made regarding principles of leadership. During the 18th Century, […]

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Leadership Demanded by a Republic by James Rose

A Constitutional Federal Republic demands, calls for, requires, American Christian leadership be taught, illustrated, and demonstrated…” Mr. James Rose, American Christian History Institute

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We Have a Choice by Ruth J. Smith

Our forefathers paid a great price for liberty. Are we willing pay a price to restore and preserve that liberty for our children and grandchildren? Or are we willing to sacrifice it on the altar of ease and socialism?

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Three Things to Remember for Columbus Day

                  How will you remember and celebrate Columbus Day?                 In recognizing the character and contribution of Christopher Columbus, it is helpful to see the man, not from the viewpoint of a modern historian, but in his own words. Read these passages from Columbus’s Book of Prophecies and see what stands out to you. […]

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Early Learning … Kindergarten

  Early Learning (Kindergarten) with the Principle Approach The first years of more formal learning provide the foundation for all of the years to follow. Consider the following: What are the key subjects? Teaching your child (students) to read will be the foundation for all learning. One of my favorite quotes: “A reading people will […]

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