For Such a Time as This

For Such a Time as This

“For Such a Time as This”

This is part of a series of posts regarding the Leadership Demanded by a Republic. James Rose addressed the unique characteristics of the leadership demanded by a Republic. Ralph Bullard  reminded us of the means to cultivate the unique leadership demanded by a republic.

God has a plan which He is accomplishing in each of our lives and in the life of each nation. The Word of God reveals the Hand of God working in specific events, placing just the right individual in the right place at the right time. As individuals, the challenge for us is to learn to rest in His Providence.

We must learn to rest in His Providence in our personal lives. In a Ministry Musings post, I shared some memories of my husband.  As he battled cancer and we knew that, barring a miracle of healing, his days were numbered, I had to search my heart. I had been teaching Providential history for years, could I now rest in the Providence of God even when the times were difficult?

We must also rest in His Providence as it relates to our nation. Does this mean we simply sit idly by, or do we assume our Biblical responsibility for our nation? What is that responsibility? It is God who places the rulers in authority, but we must consider on what basis does He determine the rulers for a nation?

Listen to this audio clip from Ruth Smith’s presentation, “For Such a Time as This,” at a Pilgrim Institute conference.  The full presentation is available either on CD or DVD.

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