What it Has Meant to Know and Teach America’s Christian History

What it has meant to know and teach America’s Christian History

Presented at Pilgrim Institute Annual Conference by a Homeschooling Mother



Principle Approach Testimony
Principle Approach Testimony

I went to a parochial school for the first six years of my schooling and then I went to a secular prep school for my remaining years. History always intrigued me, but it never made any sense. I came out of college not really knowing anything besides the allegation that one of our presidents was an overweight golf player.

Today I realize that my elementary years were steeped in a pagan religion, my high school history teacher was more than likely a communist and my college history professor a secular humanist. And, so, the Lord called me to teach our children at home. I was a new Christian. Wrestled from the enemy.

I went past those big Red Books at a book table one evening and thought that I might look into them for teaching high school someday. Little did I know that the Lord had another plan. I was introduced to them that night. Our oldest daughter was halfway through kindergarten.

I knew that the curriculum I was using was not penetrating, nor could penetrate, our children’s hearts. I was so convinced of the Holy Spirit’s leading and the Lord compelled me to learn more. A month went by and the little I was learning only convinced me that I was YEARS behind. How was I going to learn all of this with my children already at the end of kindergarten? The answer was easy. . . Panic!. . .

With many years of patient guidance from “old Principle Approachers” and Mrs. Smith and her family, I am here to say that the Lord can make new. He can replace as we displace. Oh, it’s not easy. At times grueling, at times frustrating, at times seemingly impossible. But nothing is impossible with God. Aren’t our children worth it? Isn’t our liberty worth it? Aren’t we commanded by God to pass down His precepts? My sisters and brothers, do not grow weary in well doing, for in due season we shall reap, if we faint not.

Because the Lord has developed a Providential view of history in me, I have taught it to our children, only one step ahead. No, I’m not where I’d like to be. I don’t know all I’d like to know. I don’t teach as well as I’d like to teach. But God’s work is not yet complete in me. “I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me.”

Our children can hardly believe that Mom once thought it was an honor and a duty to get a social security number at birth. They can’t believe that I had never heard of John Locke or the term deist. My daughter tells me that she can’t imagine how revolutionary it must have been for me to learn these things since she has known about them since kindergarten. Yes, I started right into John Locke! They cannot imagine not knowing about John Wycliffe or not reading the Declaration of Independence. Doesn’t everyone?

They know America’s Christian History and that God works in the lives of men and nations. The Lord has blessed our children with an education I never had at their age. They see God’s hand in history and in current events without realizing that other people don’t. They don’t know what they know because they know nothing else!

For them to start at such a different place than I did is a work of God. I have believed from my beginnings with Principle Approach that I would be but a stepping-stone. God is raising up a new generation for His purposes. A remnant that sees His hand and acknowledges Him. A people that goes into the city.

Our oldest daughter  is with me here today . . She has been politically active enough already to see the Christian versus the pagan idea of man in action. In the fall she leaves to attend college in Virginia. Her major will be government.

“Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us, Unto him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus throughout all ages, world without end. Amen.”

Thank you.


Originally posted on the Pilgrim Institute website HERE.

Picture credit: Photopin

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