Notebook Example

Notebook Example
Reasoning and Writing

One of the goals and beauties of American Christian education, the Principle Approach, is the development of reasoning and writing skills in the students. Recently a homeschool mother posted a series of writing tips on her blog, using a sample page from the Divine Providence student text in The Mighty Works of God series as her source for the students’ reasoning. I thought you would enjoy these examples.

Writing Samples–Boys v. Girls

At the end of the introductory series on teaching writing, I promised samples of my own children’s writing based upon the lesson idea I shared. Here are samples from two of my children-close in age, one boy, one girl…


Boy, age 11:
God’s Government
by (Boy) , age 11
  God cares for all His creatures including birds, fish and animals. God cares for every man, woman and child. God controls His creation. He has a plan for every man, women and child. God directs the course of history. God’s Divine Providence is His plan for each nation. God’s Word teaches that God chooses who will reign. The timing of His plan for men and nations is under God’s control. God rules the events of history!

Girl, age 12 1/2:
God’s Care for All He Created
by (Girl), age 12 1/2

Divine Providence is God’s care for all of creation. He takes care of all the birds, fish and other animals. He also takes care of every human being. Divine Providence is also God’s authority over all He has created. He has a purpose for every individual and nation and directs events in history to fulfill His plan. The Bible teaches that God decides who will reign in each kingdom and He times events according to His plan. There is nothing that God does not have Providence over, including famines, times of plenty, floods, droughts, peace and war.


Mom notes:

In addition to their own writing, I gave them handouts with definitions and synonym ideas for certain words in the original reading (see earlier posts). We researched God’s Word and reflected on God’s thoughts on writing.

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