Principle Approach

What it Has Meant to Know and Teach America’s Christian History

What it has meant to know and teach America’s Christian History Presented at Pilgrim Institute Annual Conference by a Homeschooling Mother     I went to a parochial school for the first six years of my schooling and then I went to a secular prep school for my remaining years. History always intrigued me, but […]

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Noah Webster, Father of the Dictionary

Noah Webster: Father of the Dictionary By Isabel Proudfit “A typical American farm boy who made good under difficulties, Noah Webster’s influence in the development of the United States was a real contribution to its growth. His life covers a fascinating period in American history when the young republic was just getting on its feet. […]

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Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations

Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations An 11-part DVD Study for Individuals or Groups $85 Special Limited Time Offer February 6-8 Buy Now What influence does the Word of God have upon our nation? Kit Includes: Study Guide Leader’s Guide DVD Set   Reviews Sample Pages Sessions Include: A Biblical View of Government A Providential View of […]

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An Individual’s Journey with the Principle Approach – Part IV

An Individual’s Journey with the Principle Approach Fourth in a Series Ruth J. Smith Have you ever embroidered? A basic stitch of embroidery requires you to take a stitch and then you put your needle in at about half of the way through that stitch and make your next stitch. You are always moving forward, […]

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Reviews of Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations

 Katherine DangPhilomath Foundation       Through the acquiescence of parents and pastors, at the turn of the Twentieth Century, the progressive philosophy of history and government have come to dominate public and private institutions of education, until, today, Americans have known nothing else but the revised, Marxist interpretation of all history. Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations produced […]

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