Principle Approach

Electoral College Electing the President

The Mode of Electing the President and the Electoral College by Darold Booton, Jr. In recent times the manner of electing the President of the United States (and the electoral college) has come under criticism from all sides, but when the Constitution was first adopted, Alexander Hamilton tells us, that this was one part of our […]

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The Spirit of Thanksgiving

 The Spirit of Thanksgiving by Jeanette Whittaker The true spirit of thanksgiving can be hard to capture in the whirlwind of modern society. You can’t facebook, text, tweet, or click to discover it. You’ll find the spirit of thanksgiving as you contemplate and consider the nature and mighty works of our Creator and Savior. The […]

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AMERICAN CHRISTIAN HISTORY INSTITUTE EAGLE’S AERIE James and Barbara Rose  THANKSGIVING PRODUCES THANKS – LIVING Part 3 THE THREE MAJOR CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE PILGRIMS TO AMERICAN CHRISTIANS  They believed in “Reformation without tarrying for any” – as demonstrated by an individual and personal responsibility to obey God’s Word. To the Pilgrim it meant “voluntary conformity […]

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Thanksgiving Produces Thanks-Living

AMERICAN CHRISTIAN HISTORY INSTITUTE EAGLE’S AERIE James and Barbara Rose  THANKSGIVING PRODUCES THANKS – LIVING Part I Christian Self Government produces Local Self Governing Christian Homes, Churches, Communities. Self Government is explained in I John 3:24: “He that keepeth his commandments DWELLETH IN HIM, and HE IN HIM. And hereby we know that HE ABIDETH […]

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Is Your High School Student Prepared to Take Part in Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations?

  Could your high school student defend the idea that America was founded upon Biblical principles of government? Could your student document these ideas both Biblically and historically? Only as we raise up a generation of young people who are able to restore these Biblical foundations, can we expect to see our nation restored. Restoration […]

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