Leadership Demanded by a Republic

Leadership Demanded by a Republic

Leadership demanded by a Republic

As you watch the news, do you sometimes wonder, “Where is the leadership that is needed in our nation?”  Leadership has been defined as, “to follow in advance of others.”  Perhaps this definition raises questions in your mind.  If so, take some time to reflect upon what a leader must follow–principles? a goal or purpose? a philosophy?


James Rose, President of the American Christian History Institute, declared “A Constitutional Federal Republic demands, calls for, requires, American Christian leadership be taught, illustrated, and demonstrated on four levels/arenas, simultaneously, for the purpose of advancing individual liberty and self government. As parents, pastors, pedagogues, and producers lead (follow Christ, the Bible) in these four arenas, simultaneously, a Republic can be preserved and perpetuated.

“The four levels are:

“LOCAL SELF-GOVERNING HOME/FAMILY – What would parents – Dad and Mom – be found doing in a local self-governing home to Teach, Illustrate and Demonstrate self-government?

“LOCAL SELF GOVERNING CHURCH – What would the pastor and members be doing to Teach, Illustrate and Demonstrate local self-government?

“LOCAL CHRISTIAN HOME OR DAY SCHOOL – What would the “pedagogues” – administration and faculty – be doing to Teach, Illustration and emonstrate American Christian Education for the purpose of sustaining and advancing the capacity to reason from the Bible and practice self government?

“LOCAL BUSINESS – What could a local, self-governing producer – employers and employees – do to sustain and advance individual liberty and self government under a Constitutional Federal Republic?”

Hear a clip from his presentation “Leadership Demanded by a Republic”, presented at a Pilgrim Institute Conference. Enjoy the full presentation on CD or DVD.

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