American Christian Education

The Church in The Nation

“The Christian home sustains a direct relation to the church. This relation is similar to that which it sustains to the state. . . ” (Rev. S. Phillips, 1861)   Some key questions we must ask: What is the responsibility of the church? What is the relationship between the church and the nation? What characterizes […]

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Middle and High School with the Principle Approach

The final years of middle school and high school are key to preparing the children for adulthood. These years provide the opportunity to confirm and deepen the student’s reasoning skills, and particularly to research and reason Biblically. Pilgrim Institute offers many resources for developing these reasoning skills, both in teacher material and courses for the […]

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Teaching with the Principle Approach in Middle and Upper Elementary

Middle and Upper Elementary As the principles (rudiments) of each subject were taught in the early years, the middle and elementary years provide the opportunity for expanding these ideas, confirming with further documentation. As students are taught the principles of their subjects, they can become more independent, developing the tools for self-learning.   The following […]

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Where to Begin with Teaching and Learning America’s Christian History and the Principle Approach

Teaching and Learning America’s Christian history, government and the Principle Approach to education begins with me.   Why is it important that I learn first? My children and/or students will learn as I learn. The ideas of America’s Christian history and government must first be internalized in my thinking and my life. Then I can […]

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An Individual’s Journey with the Principle Approach, Part V

An Individual’s Journey with the Principle Approach Fifth in a Series Ruth J. Smith This is the fifth in a series. To read the earlier sections, check here for Part I, Part II, Part III, and Part IV. Over a period of several years, God had impressed upon our hearts a desire to present […]

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