
Christianity turned the World Upside Down- Part 1

Christianity Turned the World Upside Down – Part I by Ruth Smith Acts 17:6 refers to These that have turned the world upside down . . . As we contemplate the blessings of this Easter season we are reminded of the great price that was paid for our sin through Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. […]

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Spiritual Liberty is Causative to Religious and Civil Liberty by Mr. James Rose

What relationship does internal freedom have to external civil liberty?

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The Remarkable Gift of Liberty

The Remarkable Gift of Liberty by Jeanette Whittaker As the prophet Isaiah foretold the birth of Christ, he was divinely inspired to pen the words, “For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the government shall be upon his shoulder; and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counselor, The […]

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Standing on Principles

Standing on Principles As I watched brief news coverage on the Supreme Court hearing involving the religious liberty of such groups as the Little Sisters of the Poor, it reminded me of the challenge faced by the colonists in 1773 concerning the tax on tea. When the colonists refused to pay the tax, since they […]

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Resources for the American Christian in Honor of Constitution Day

In honor of Constitution Day, Pilgrim Institute recommends the following resources available from our online store: Constitution Day Bundle    5 Audio Downloads for the Price of 4 – $12.00     Great Documents of Liberty – Ralph Bullard The Blessings of Liberty – James Rose The Character and Destiny of Free Government – Ruth Smith […]

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