
American Leadership of the 18th, 19th, and 20th Centuries

American Leadership of the 18th, 19th, and 20th Centuries Compiled by Ruth Smith In God’s Providence, He provides the right individuals, with the unique character to lead the nation at each period of history. At a Pilgrim Institute event focused on American Leadership, enlightening presentations were made regarding principles of leadership. During the 18th Century, […]

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Leadership Demanded by a Republic by James Rose

A Constitutional Federal Republic demands, calls for, requires, American Christian leadership be taught, illustrated, and demonstrated…” Mr. James Rose, American Christian History Institute

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Cultivating Leaders “For Such a Time as This”

Without a doubt, we are living in challenging times. Conditions in society seem to have deteriorated to new places of difficulty. Many struggle to find hope for the future. From a Biblical and an historic perspective, however, God has always had a plan and has always raised up individuals to accomplish His purposes in just […]

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