America’s Christian History
Elections have Consequences
Elections have Consequences by Ruth Smith The idea that “elections have consequences” should prompt us to carefully consider candidates by the direction in which they will lead our nation. The leadership in our country at any period of our history, including the current times, were chosen by the electorate. Each candidate is endeavoring to present […]
Thoughts On This Election
With so much at stake in the upcoming election, you may be wondering what one individual can do to make a difference. We must, of course, prayerfully consider how we will vote for candidates in every office, local, county, state, and nation. As I have watched many speeches and listened to the news pundits reiterate […]
Do American Christians Have a Responsibility to Vote?
Do American Christians Have a Responsibility to Vote? Ruth J Smith The upcoming election has created a great deal of discussion. What is our responsibility as a Christian? The Word of God does indicates that we will be rewarded upon our faithfulness to His Word and our stewardship of what God has given us in […]
Noah Webster, Founding Father of American Scholarship and Education
As we honor Noah Webster’s life and legacy, we reflect with gratitude on the remarkable dictionary we use today to guide our understanding of American character, government, education, and liberty.
America’s Hope by Jeanette Whittaker
America’s Hope by Jeanette Whittaker “You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. “We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.” –Ronald Reagan Ronald Reagan spoke these words more than a generation ago. […]