America’s Christian History

Spiritual Liberty is Causative to Religious and Civil Liberty by Mr. James Rose

What relationship does internal freedom have to external civil liberty?

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Power in the People

Power in the People Friday we experienced what Ronald Reagan described, in his first Inaugural Address, as “a solemn and most momentous occasion, and yet in the history of our nation it is a commonplace occurrence. The orderly transfer of authority as called for in the Constitution routinely takes place . . . and few […]

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When Society Crumbles

When Society Crumbles  by  Jeanette Whittaker Society seems to be crumbling away in an alarming fashion. Without clarity of thought, it would be tempting to believe that enacting legislation, drastically rearranging the roles of our citizenry, or restructuring American institutions offer the only path to order and peace. Such is not the case. The structure […]

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Choosing Representatives

Tomorrow offers an opportunity for each American to express himself at the polls in electing those who will then be ruling over us. This opportunity should not be taken lightly, but should be bathed in prayer and seeking His face. Rev. Thomas Hooker wisely taught the colonists of Connecticut from the passage in Deuteronomy that […]

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A Time of Remembering

A Time of Remembering by Ruth Smith Tomorrow is Mother’s Day and today has been a day that I have been remembering as mother, daughter, and grandmother. This morning, I had the joy of watching my oldest granddaughter, Cari Trowbridge, receive her bachelor’s degree from Grace College. Not enough tickets available, but it was great […]

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