American’s Christian History
Contemplating the Constitution – Part I
Contemplating the Constitution – Part I James B. Rose and Barbara Rose, American Christian History Institute Why study the U. S. Constitution? The United States Constitution describes itself as “the supreme Law of the Land” (Art. 6, Sec. 2) – “supreme” or “highest in authority; holding the highest place in government” [Webster 1828 Dictionary]. Judges in […]
American Christian Home
Pilgrim Institute‘s Annual Conference centered upon the American Christian home. In a series of General Sessions, the audience was challenged to consider the home with reference to its mission, government, education, and influence. The following reflections concerning the home are presented to you in hopes that they will confirm, strengthen, and encourage you concerning the […]
Summer Fact Box
A summer fact box is a fun way to record the ways the Lord has demonstrated Providence through the lives of individuals, creation, and events.
Delegating Authority
Delegating Authority Lee Early “Take you wise men, and understanding, and known among your tribes, and I will make them rulers over you.” Deuteronomy 1:13 Representative government is a process of delegating authority. We, as citizens, consent to, authorize, or assign a person to stand for us in the external governing of our home, church, […]
We Have a Choice by Ruth J. Smith
Our forefathers paid a great price for liberty. Are we willing pay a price to restore and preserve that liberty for our children and grandchildren? Or are we willing to sacrifice it on the altar of ease and socialism?