Ring the Bell for Liberty

Ring the Bell for Liberty with Four Ways for Each Generation to Celebrate Independence Day!

Ring the Bell for Liberty

Americans gather together with friends and family to celebrate America’s Independence, often with food and fireworks! This Independence Day, you can bring more than just nostalgia to your gathering with four ways to celebrate!

1. Remember

Take time to read through first-hand accounts of our struggle for Independence. Ideas include the letters of John & Abigail Adams.

“I am apt to believe that it will be celebrated, by succeeding Generations, as the great anniversary Festival. It ought to be commemorated, as the Day of Deliverance by solemn Acts of Devotion to God Almighty. It ought to be solemnized with Pomp and Parade, with Shews, Games, Sports, Guns, Bells, Bonfires and Illuminations from one End of this Continent to the other from this Time forward forever more.” – excerpt of a letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams. Read  more here.


As you gather with family and friends, read the Declaration of Independence aloud together.

  • Identify governmental ideas from the document.
  • Consider how Scripture is reflected in the document.

For more insight, view this video segment of Mrs. Ruth Smith sharing how she reasoned from Scripture with young students regarding the Declaration of Independence. Think of the video as a sandwich:

  • Mrs. Smith first shares the method by which students of all ages may study key words
  • At approximately 4 minutes, she focuses on a how young students researched a key word from the Declaration of Independence
  • The conclusion summarizes the relationship between education and liberty

2. Restore

Why keep your love of America’s Christian History to one day per year? Use July 4th as a springboard to invite your friends and family to the study  Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations!

3. Renew

Independence Day can be a day where you renew your individual commitment to knowing the rudiments of America’s Christian history and government enabling you to pass the vision on to the succeeding generations.

Build your understanding of America’s Christian history and government.

We recommend:

Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations

Rudiments of America’s Christian History and Government

3. Recall

Have you ever wondered why we have a Liberty Bell? Why would we ring the bell for liberty? Learn more about why we ring the bell for liberty with this excerpt from The Mighty Works of God: Liberty and Justice.

“In colonial times, various means were used to communicate news. Messengers were sometimes sent to cry out the news in the towns and villages. Often the town hall bell or church bell was rung to call the people together to announce news. Such was the use of the bell in the old State House in Philadelphia, 1776, as it pealed forth the news of the signing of the Declaration of Independence.”

Enjoy the following resources from The Mighty Works of God: Liberty and Justice For All-

Mighty Works of God Liberty Bell Coloring Page
Liberty Bell Poem

Used by permission from The Mighty Works of God: Liberty and Justice for All.

However you choose to celebrate Independence Day, Pilgrim Institute extends our heartfelt greetings to you, your family, and your circle of friends. As we have been blessed by the gracious hand of Almighty God, may we be mindful of His truth for this generation and those to come.

Recommended Resources:

Imparting a Love of History in the Family by Mrs. Ruth Smith

Abigail Adams: First Lady of Faith & Courage

Audio Downloads to encourage and equip you in working for liberty

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