Reviews of Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations

Katherine Dang Katherine Dang
Philomath Foundation

      Through the acquiescence of parents and pastors, at the turn of the Twentieth Century, the progressive philosophy of history and government have come to dominate public and private institutions of education, until, today, Americans have known nothing else but the revised, Marxist interpretation of all history. Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations produced by Pilgrim Institute presents essential, primary ideas with ease and clarity which will bless and benefit today’s American Christian who is unfamiliar with the true history of America that one discovers in her original documents and the primary sources of her history.  The study guide, which accompanies the lecture series, challenges the viewer to reason Biblically and inspires him to pursue its practical implications in every area of life and living, of home, church and civil government in particular.  Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations is a most excellent study to begin one’s course toward thinking governmentally.


Glen Jaspers

        Upon receiving your most recent publication of “Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations,” Mary and I went through each of the sessions and found it an excellent review. I believe it would be a tremendous blessing to people who have attended Pilgrim Institute seminars in the past.

      I also believe it would serve as a great introduction to the philosophy of the Principle Approach to restoring America’s Christian heritage, how to think governmentally, and the Biblical basis of our American Christian Republic. . . .

     Thank you for your dedication to the cause of restoring America’s Christian Heritage and all the effort that has gone into producing this most recent project.




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Review of Restoring America’s Biblical Foundation