Recommended Supplemental Resources | The Mighty Works of God Series
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A word about our recommended resources:
Do you have any vivid memory of discovering for yourself an unforgettable hero of history? An interesting time period of long ago? A memorable historic event? A unique place with one-of-a-kind geographic features?
I recall the exact words from a book I read about Daniel Boone, probably when I was in 2nd grade. I clearly recall a chapter title from a Laura Ingalls book, and the accompanying illustration; I was in 1st grade when I read the entire series for myself.
Through independent reading, I began to build a collection of interesting stories about people, when and where they lived, what was special about the place, and incidents which revealed their character.
Some of those historic narratives have been woven into The Mighty Works of God history series for children.
Others would best be appreciated, enjoyed, and treasured through the discovery that takes place during independent reading, family reading-aloud time, etc.
For that reason, The Mighty Works of God Teacher Guides recommends easy-to-use, trusted resources for adding even more interest, background and understanding to supplement learning. If you don’t already have these resources at home, some can be found in the library.
These recommended resources are worthy of adding to your collection. They can be shared and read over and over again. We know that you’re busy, so we’ve collected the following links to Amazon to help make things easier for you.
Please enjoy these resources! Our mission is to help the children of the 21st century appreciate His Story.
Self Government (Primary Level)
Students read rich text and discover that His Story is meaningful to them. They learn the Biblical instruction for personal self government and the beauty of God’s plan for men and nations. Tracing the timeline of history, students grasp the significance of major events, from the beginning of time through America’s journey as a self governing nation.
Although the Self Government Teacher’s Guide does not recommend any supplemental reading resources, suggestions for Kindergarten are here and early learners are recommended here.
Liberty and Justice for All (Elementary Level)
Realizing that history is God’s Story, and that liberty is a gift from God, students trace the foundations and development of liberty, originating with the author of liberty, God Himself. Students learn about significant events over the course of history, with particular attention to the growth of liberty during America’s colonial, revolutionary, constitutional, and pioneer periods. The final chapters highlight the Statue of Liberty, exploring Antarctica and the Arctic, and the Pledge of Allegiance.
Recommended resources:
Snowflake BentleySnowflake Bentley: Man of Science, Man of God
Benjamin West and His Cat Grimalkin
JED SMITH, Young Western Explorer, Childhood of Famous Americas
Black Whiteness: Admiral Byrd Alone in the Antarctic
Robert Peary, Boy of the North Childhood of Famous Americans Series #11
Divine Providence (Middle Elementary Level)
God’s care, control, plan and timing of events is highlighted over the course of history. Specific notice is given to the origins of nations, God’s law, Christianity’s answer to man’s pagan ideas, and the influence of Scripture upon the course of history. Following the account of North America’s exploration and colonization, considerable attention is given to divine providence and the American Revolution. Students continue their study with the remarkable period of invention and westward expansion, the World Wars, and a look at our motto, “In God We Trust.”
Recommended resources:
Peter Stuyvesant,: Boy with wooden shoes (Childhood of famous Americans series)The First Tulips in Holland
Dolly Madison, Quaker Girl
Unfading Beauty: The Story of Dolley Madison
James Madison: Father of the constitution, 1787-1800
The Great Little Madison (Unforgetable Americans)
Robert Fulton Boy Craftsman
Robert Fulton and the Steamboat (Landmark Books)
Henry Ford: Young Man With Ideas (Childhood of Famous Americans)
Wilbur and Orville Wright, boys with wings (Childhood of famous Americans)
The sled the brothers made
The Wright Brothers At Kitty Hawk (Scholastic Biography)
The Wright Brothers: Pioneers of American Aviation (Landmark Books)
Self-Government with Union (Elementary Level)
The Mighty Works of God: Self Government with Union identifies the truth that individual self government must precede local self government. Individual self government operating in the family, applied in the church, and extended into the local community was the basis for local, self governing states. These individual, self governing states eventually united as one nation under God.
The principles of individual self government and local self government are derived from Scripture, specifically the two great commandments Christ gave in the New Testament. The Student Text and Teacher’s Guide focus on these ideas.
Self Government with Union traces the challenges faced as individuals and the nation sought to follow Christ’s two great commandments, giving evidence of God’s Hand ruling in the affairs of men and nations.
Recommended resources:
Condoleezza Rice: A Memoir of My Extraordinary, Ordinary Family and MeUp from Slavery (Dover Thrift Editions)
The Tree of Appomattox: A Story of the Civil War’s Close
The Shades of the Wilderness / A Story of Lee’s Great Stand (Classics To Go)
The Rock of Chickamauga: The American Civil War Series
The Star of Gettysburg: A Story of Southern High Tide
The Sword of Antietam
The Scouts of Stonewall
Up from Slavery (Dover Thrift Editions)
Queen Elizabeth and the Spanish Armada (World Landmark Books, W-13)
Sam Houston, Boy Chieftan
Jim Bowie: Boy with a Hunting Knife (The Childhood of Famous Americans Series)
The Texan Star The Story of a Great Fight for Liberty
Joseph Altsheler Collection Vol. 3 -The Texan Series: The Texan Star, The Texan Scouts, The Texan Triumph
The Texan Scouts
U. S. Grant: Young Horseman (Childhood of Famous Americans)
Andrew Jackson
Young Hickory,: A story of the frontier boyhood and youth of Andrew Jackson,
Robert E. Lee: Boy of Old Virginia (Childhood of Famous Americans)
Abraham Lincoln: The Great Emancipator (Childhood of Famous Americans)
Abe Lincoln: Frontier Boy (Childhood of Famous Americans Series)
Stonewall Jackson: Loved in the South Admired in the North (Sowers)
Robert E Lee -Gallant Christian Soldier (Sowers)
Abraham Lincoln -God’s Leader for a Nation (The Sowers Series) (Sower Series)
Daniel Webster, Defender of the Union (Sowers Series)
The Guns of Bull Run: A Story of the Civil War’s Eve
The Guns of Shiloh: A Story of the great western campaign
The Shades of the Wilderness: A Story of Lee’s Great Stand (Volume 7)
The Mighty Works of God, Complete Set
The Mighty Works of God Collection! Save by purchasing the four sets of books at one time!
Includes Student Text and Teacher’s Guide and the Pictorial Timeline