Mighty Works of God
Do your children know the effect of the Gospel on the founding of America?
Shouldn’t they?
Educating our children in the principles of liberty can not be separated from enlightening them in the principles and truth of the Gospel.
When choosing an American history program, ask yourself- can it answer the basic question, “What is the effect of the Gospel on our American founding?” If you can’t answer this question for yourself, you’ll find great joy in learning along side your children as you discover Biblical truths to questions such as:
- How is learning about liberty and self-government valuable for my child?
- What does history tell us about how God intends for men to be governed- individually and in society?
- Does it matter what approach to history is taught in my homeschool?
- Whose responsibility is it to preserve and restore the nation?
- How do you pass the responsibility to preserve and restore the nation to the next generation? How would the study of history be so important in achieving this goal?
Setting Their Hope in God Since 2002 Showing to the generation to come the praises of the LORD… Psalm 78:4 The more we learn about all that God has done, the more we will learn to love God.” Self-Government p. 2 “Knowing the story of American liberty will help us remember how special it is to live in a land of liberty.” Liberty and Justice for All p. 1 “History does teach us about individuals and events. But even more, it reveals what God was doing in the lives of men and nations.” Divine Providence p. 10 “The beginning of a nation upon the idea of self government with union took centuries and could only have occurred as people practiced Biblical ideas.” Self Government with Union p. 5 |
![]() A Providential History Series

Mighty Works of God Collection
Includes all four history books, plus the pictorial timeline.
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“I used the Mighty Works of God for all four of my school-aged kids. The Teacher’s Manual helped me see how to apply the Principle Approach to a lesson. I was able to take the leading idea from each lesson and expand it for my older children…
“Divine Providence gave me a basic curriculum from which to work. You identified principles and leading ideas and provided questions for reasoning and reflection. As a busy mother of several children, this was a huge time saver…The CD of notebooking pages was another timesaver…
“I believe many families are drawn to the Principle Approach because they want to teach their children to think and reason from the Bible…It takes time to learn the principles and how to extrapolate leading ideas from the lessons. That’s why I believe the Teacher’s Manuals to The Mighty Works of God series are so valuable.”–Diane, Homeschool Mother