
Leadership Demanded by a Republic

Leadership Demanded by a Republic As you watch the news, do you sometimes wonder, “Where is the leadership that is needed in our nation?”  Leadership has been defined as, “to follow in advance of others.”  Perhaps this definition raises questions in your mind.  If so, take some time to reflect upon what a leader must follow–principles? a […]

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Easter Remembrance

“For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; and that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures.” I Corinthians 15:3-4. May this Easter season be a time of remembering the blessed gift […]

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Christ Changed History

Christ Changed History Christ Changed Hearts “When Jesus Christ, the Son of God, came to earth, He came as a baby. He grew up in the simple home of His earthly father, the carpenter Joseph. We know little about Jesus as a boy. We do know that he was perfect. “His work on earth began […]

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Remembering the Price He Paid

Remembering the Price He Paid Last night I had the privilege of enjoying the Passion Play presented by Northside Baptist Church in Elkhart, Indiana. My heart was stirred with the beautiful music and retelling of the great sacrifice Christ made for each of us in His death on the cross, but then the glorious resurrection […]

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Christianity Turned the World Upside Down – Part 2

Christianity Turned the World Upside Down – Part 2 by Ruth Smith Acts 17:6 refers to These that have turned the world upside down . . . In Part 1, we considered the effect of Christianity to, first, change the heart of the individual and then change the individual’s life. With Christ living internally in […]

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