
An Individual’s Journey with the Principle Approach – Part II

An Individual’s Journey with the Principle Approach Second in a Series Ruth J. Smith PilgrimInstitute.org Good intentions certainly failed as I began this series many months ago. My apologies to the readers who have been awaiting the second part of my journey. Check here for the first in the series. My brother was pastor of a […]

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Choosing our Representatives

Choosing our Representatives The party conventions are over and the candidates for President for the next four years have been cofirmed. It is time for we, the American people, to prayerfully consider our responsibility and opportunity for entering the voting booth and casting our vote for the individual who will be the next leader of this great […]

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Premier – Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations

Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations The Premier Showing was held at the Pilgrim Institute, in Mishawaka, June 7. It was a great time for renewing friendships and meeting many new friends, who were enthusiastic about the new study, Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations. We are looking forward to some study groups beginning in our area in the […]

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Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations

Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations The first Study Group began meeting last week in Charleston, SC. There was great enthusiasm as they began their study.    

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Pilgrim Institute Announces Launch of Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations

Pilgrim Institute Announces Launch of Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations Pilgrim Institute, an educational ministry, announces the launch of Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations, a power-packed study that will help direct your thinking concerning the influence of the Word of God upon our nation. Whether you see yourself as a concerned citizen, a Christian leader, an entrepreneur, […]

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