Comtemplating the Constitution- Part III
Contemplating the Constitution – Part III James B. Rose and Barbara Rose, American Christian History Institute JAMES MADISON FATHER OF THE CONSTITUTION and BILL OF RIGHTS Madison began his education home schooled by his Grandmother and later tutored by a minister. As a youth, he educated himself from the family library. He learned […]
Contemplating the Constitution- Part II
Contemplating the Constitution – Part II James B. Rose and Barbara Rose, American Christian History Institute Originally published in Eagle’s Aerie, American Christian History Institute, September 2007. Used by Permission.
Contemplating the Constitution – Part I
Contemplating the Constitution – Part I James B. Rose and Barbara Rose, American Christian History Institute Why study the U. S. Constitution? The United States Constitution describes itself as “the supreme Law of the Land” (Art. 6, Sec. 2) – “supreme” or “highest in authority; holding the highest place in government” [Webster 1828 Dictionary]. Judges in […]
Ring the Bell for Liberty
Ring the Bell for Liberty with Four Ways for Each Generation to Celebrate Independence Day! Americans gather together with friends and family to celebrate America’s Independence, often with food and fireworks! This Independence Day, you can bring more than just nostalgia to your gathering with four ways to celebrate! 1. Remember Take time to read through […]
The Principle Approach – Teaching Tip #1 – Leading Ideas
One of the keys to implementing the Principle Approach to American Christian Education is to teach not just facts or information but to present principles and ideas. These will remain with the student long after the facts have been forgotten.