American Christian Education

Spiritual Liberty is Causative to Religious and Civil Liberty by Mr. James Rose

What relationship does internal freedom have to external civil liberty?

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The Blessings of Liberty

The blessings of liberty in our nation are predicated upon distinctive, Biblical principles. These principles are revealed in our nation’s Christian History and reflected in our Biblical form of government. As these principles have been forgotten, our nation has drifted from her strong foundation. Since 1979, Pilgrim Institute has offered a continuing training program for […]

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The Spirit of Thanksgiving

 The Spirit of Thanksgiving by Jeanette Whittaker The true spirit of thanksgiving can be hard to capture in the whirlwind of modern society. You can’t facebook, text, tweet, or click to discover it. You’ll find the spirit of thanksgiving as you contemplate and consider the nature and mighty works of our Creator and Savior. The […]

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Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations

  “I am sitting in my living room this morning previewing the introduction to Restoring  America’s Biblical Foundations. We are going to be starting class on Sunday…I am really excited about this! Watching this video and listening to you I am touched and encouraged by your dedication to this mission. Thank you so much!! Whenever I get bogged […]

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In Honor of Noah Webster’s Birthday

October 16th marks Noah Webster’s birthday. Remembered for his significant contributions to education and government during America’s earliest days as a republic, Noah Webster’s words and work remain relevant for the 21st century. How often have you returned to the 1828 dictionary to refresh your memory regarding the scope and meaning of a word? Again […]

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