America’s Hope

“You and I have a rendezvous with destiny.
“We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness.” –Ronald Reagan
Ronald Reagan spoke these words more than a generation ago. They were powerful words then, but have become perhaps even more meaningful as we consider where our nation is today.
In his 1964 speech, called “A Time for Choosing,” Reagan captured the sentiment that the citizens of the nation must step forward to take responsibility for the future of the nation. Posterity will be blessed or will suffer depending upon how actively we step up to the plate and make a difference in our nation.
His sentiments echo a long heritage, beginning with America’s founding fathers. Generations of citizens struggled to secure liberty, even laying down their lives to secure hope for their posterity.
It is our responsibility today to honestly accept that torch of responsibility and equip ourselves to be the hope-bearers for future generations.
Where do we look for guidance in achieving such a monumental task? It’s tempting to pin our hopes on political action, influential leaders, or people in places of power.
The truth is that the future of our nation resides in the hands of an overruling Providence. If there is any hope for our nation, we must place our trust in the God of Nations and align ourselves with His principles regarding the government of men and nations.
Do we know His principles regarding the government of nations? Do we believe that He exercises power and control over the destinies of nations? Are we ready to live by His principles of liberty for men and nations?
For many of us these questions have rarely occupied our thinking, much less our serious consideration and practice. Our nation is suffering the consequences of this lack of Biblical understanding and character.
If your heart yearns to secure the blessings of liberty for your children, as they were secured for us by previous generations, now is the time to take action. Pilgrim Institute has served in this arena of teaching for over four decades. Individuals from all walks of life have learned powerful Biblical truths regarding the application of Biblical principles to ALL aspects of life, including both self and civil government.
Pilgrim Institute training has empowered and equipped people to make a difference in their own circles of influence. The highlights of this Biblical teaching are now being made available to you in a powerful study series entitled Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations.
Refined over decades of faithful teaching, and carefully laid out in an 11-lesson study format, Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations presents a systematic overview of the truths which have transformed individuals, families, and classrooms. These very same truths, applied at the local, state, and national level, have the power to restore hope for future generations.
Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations features the powerful teaching of James Rose and Ruth Smith, long-time advocates of Biblical thinking for families, educators, and civil government. The DVD teaching, along with related questions for group discussion and individual study clearly communicate lessons which can immediately be put to practice in a home or classroom and provide the basis on which citizens can act responsibly in matters of spiritual, religious, economic, civil, and political liberty.
Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations is accessible in several ways:
- Virtual online group meeting on Thursdays @ 7:00 pm eastern time
- Self-paced, individual study
- All-inclusive Study Kit
Begin planning now to invest in your own personal study and pray concerning sharing these important Biblical truths in a small group, Sunday School class, or other places of influence.