Wellesley, Scissors, and My Heavenly Father

Wellesley, Scissors, and My Heavenly Father
by Sharon Jaspers Caughill

Wellesley, Scissors, and My Heavenly Father

I often wonder at how God must view my daily silliness. He oversees my every moment, so how can He remain so incredibly patient with me? I know myself intimately and I am quite idiotic. Yet God loves me. And in Scripture He, with great compassion, warns me to be wise and careful and prudent. He instructs me desiring the best for me and wanting me to be safe. How do I respond? Sometimes I choose to be foolish and reckless and frivolous. And I question. Constantly question. In return He patiently guides and prods me along the path of life. I am always within the gaze of His eternal devotion. His eyes are specifically on me! His love is so vast. His love is so perfect.

Yesterday I was watching our grandson, Wellesley, who reminded me of this. Every time I turned around Welles was doing something dangerous or stupid. Now I think Welles is incredibly smart. He even looks smart – his eyes often peer back at me with a ‘wow you are silly Nana – I will pray for more intelligence to come your way’ eyes. But yesterday he was having a love affair with danger. I stopped him twice with scissors. The bright red-handled kitchen shears he removed from the lower rack of the dishwasher. For some reason their attractiveness is a constant draw. And tiny scissors he found rummaging through stuff his grandfather left strewn around which is another blog topic completely. I looked at him as he happily carried around danger and thought about myself – drawn to exactly what I should not be. With relish I carry peril in my heart and soul and body and mind. Because I love Wellesley a lot I chose to pry the scissors from his greedy little hands and as I did I thought about God ever so patiently taking things from mine.

A few minutes later he was at the top of the stairs shaking the protective gate hollering – desperately wanting to pull it away so he could have the freedom of the stairs. Why yes it would be fun to tumble down those hard wooden stairs and land on the basement cement. Nana is so cruel to put up that roadblock! And again I thought about the protectiveness of God for me – and how I stand pushing against that which He lovingly has in place for my protection. Do I appreciate it, thank Him for it? No I wrangle and shake and babble and whine. It seems so ‘in the way’! It seems so harsh! He guards me out of love. Why can’t I remember that? What a foolish little lamb I am. But oh my Shepherd!

The LORD is my shepherd; I have all that I need. He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams. He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. Even when I walk through the darkest valley, I will not be afraid, for you are close beside me. Your rod and your staff protect and comfort me. You prepare a feast for me in the presence of my enemies. You honor me by anointing my head with oil. My cup overflows with blessings. Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the LORD forever. Psalm 23

Sharon Jaspers Caughill is the wife of Senior Pastor Paul Caughill, High Point Baptist Chapel, Geigertown, PA. Sharon loves her time as Pastor’s wife, but especially enjoys her time as grandmother and wrote this article about an experience with her grandson. We are sharing it with her permission.

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