Working for Liberty



lampsIn the midst of the struggle, pain and clamor which confront our society these days, it is difficult to discover voices which support the most fundamental principles of liberty. License threatens to destroy liberty. So, where should we turn, and what should we do?

As Christians, we know that God is our refuge, stronghold, and tower of strength. We know that He does rule in the affairs of men. He also allows man the freedom to make choices and live with the consequences of those choices. So, we pray and seek His face, asking Him to show us the way to turn our hearts back to Him.

We cling to the fundamental principles of American liberty, understanding that it is a gift from God, handed through the generations from those who crafted our form of government and those who died defending it.

We consider the principles and truths we have learned: that God will work according to His will, to accomplish His purposes; that individual liberty and self government walk hand in hand, applied practically in society through the qualities of character admonished in Scripture and practiced generation after generation.

We understand that liberty of conscience is a sacred, God-given right. Noah Webster explains a right as being in “1) conformity to the will of God, or to his law, the perfect standard of truth and justice…2) conformity to human laws, or to other human standard of truth, propriety or justice.” In other words, human thinking must be shaped within the framework of God’s truth. Here’s how we expressed this idea in the text for book four of The Mighty Works of God history series:

“Every generation in every nation must choose whether or not they will follow the law of God as individuals and as a nation. Those who follow God’s law will enjoy the greatest liberty…”

As we look ahead to 2016, we are prepared to share this important message through a variety of resources, online study tools, and the publication of The Mighty Works of God: Self Government with Union.

Would you join with us in this ministry through a financial gift toward the work ahead in 2016? We cannot be discouraged by the world which surrounds us. It is our responsibility to speak the truth to family, neighbors, friends, and the next generation.

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