

pilgrim institute seal


Practical Steps for Principled Teaching
From 4-R to Lesson Plans

Virtual Course
Mondays,  July 11 - August 8
1:00 - 3:30 pm, EDT

Master teachers give detailed instruction for the practical daily application of the Principle Approach -- for the Homeschool or classroom teacher. Participants are trained to discern leading ideas and principles, and to construct effective lessons, based upon principles and leading ideas. 

Enthusiastic participants have discovered this course to be the most practical assistance available for preparing distinctive daily lessons, written work, and student activities which consistently conform to an American Christian philosophy of education.

Each participant prepares overviews, daily lessons, and supplementary materials for the academic subject of his choice.

  • Course goals, overviews, and daily lessons
  • Cultivating Biblical scholarship
  • Daily activities, methodology, and curriculum
  • Student materials and assignments 

PrerequisiteRudiments of America's Christian History and Government Course or equivalent training

Participant Comment:

"This course has helped me to have a more clear idea of how to organize ideas and principles into an orderly fashion and then put them into lessons. I've gotten great creative tools . . . I also received a lot of encouragement and inspiration."


Required Texts:





A Guide to American Christian Education

Course Fee -- $150.00

Partial Scholarships Available -- Click here for details.
