Elections have Consequences

Elections have Consequences

by Ruth Smith

The idea that “elections have consequences” is a concept that many forget. Each candidate is endeavoring to present himself or herself as the “best” person to lead our nation. The field is vast, from a declared socialist to those who identify themselves as conservative.



Do “we, the people” know what a “socialist” is? We see young people, especially college-age young people flocking to follow the siren call of this individual. Or what does it mean to be a “conservative”? To one individual for what a conservative stands may mean one thing and to another it means something different.

Those who are in leadership in our country at any period of our history, including the current times, were chosen by the electorate. Our forefathers understood from the very beginning that our nation could only stand if people of integrity and principle were chosen to be the leaders and make the laws by which we would be governed.

Whose responsibility is it to determine what each candidate represents? Or to know how this candidate will govern? Is it the one who has the loudest voice?

As a Christian, do we only look for the one who says he is a born-again Christian? History reveals that isn’t the only basis by which we should choose a candidate and can bring poor results? On the other hand, how important is it that the candidate stands for the inalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all as stated in the Declaration of Independence?

Our forefathers understood from the very beginning that our nation could only stand if people of integrity and principle were chosen to be the leaders and make the laws by which we would be governed.

Following is a quote from Noah Webster in his Letters to a Young Gentleman. The content may not be easy reading, but rings true yet today:

In selecting men for office, let principle be your guide. Regard not the particular sect or denomination of the candidate – look to his character as a man of known principle, of tried integrity, and undoubted ability for the office.

“It is alleged by men of loose principles, or defective views of the subject, that religion and morality are not necessary or important qualifications for political stations. But the Scriptures teach a different doctrine. They direct that rulers should be men who rule in the fear of God, able men, such as fear God, men of truth, hating covetousness. But if we had no divine instruction on the subject, our own interest would demand of us a strict observance of the principle of these injunctions. And it is to the neglect of this rule of conduct in our citizens, that we must ascribe the multiplied frauds, breaches of trust, peculations and embezzlements of public property which astonish even ourselves; which tarnish the character of our country; which disgrace a republican government; and which will tend to reconcile men to monarchy in other countries and even in our own. . . .”

Do you know the principles upon which this nation was founded? Do your children know? Do your friends and neighbors know?

Study Kit

Pilgrim Institute has designed a great DVD study for restoring this foundation – check out the details for Restoring America’s Biblical Foundations.




Noah Webster Quote

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