In Honor of President’s Day
In celebration of President’s Day, enjoy reading Abraham Lincoln’s words regarding George Washington. “…away back in my childhood, the earliest days of my being able to read, I got hold of a small book…[The Life of Washington]. I remember all the accounts there given of the battle fields and struggles for the liberties of the […]
Representatives and Their Duty
As I watched the news last evening, I was contemplating events taking place in my home state, as well as several states in the Midwest. Several thoughts came to mind: As our representatives were elected, they were sent to “stand in our place” to make decisions according to their conscience. When difficult choices are to be […]
American Christian Education – The Principle Approach
American Christian Education The Principle Approach • Restores Biblical Character and Scholarship • Values America’s Providential History • Nurtures the Rising Generation for Leadership • Builds the Capacity for Self Education Christian educators and parents, awakened to the necessity of genuinely seeking Biblical truth in every aspect of life, are discovering that the Principle Approach […]
Welcome to Pilgrim Institute Blog
The Pilgrim Institute was established in 1979 to re-educate the American Christian in his responsibility to be governed by the principles of the Scriptures in all areas of his life, including the civil sphere, and to restore an understanding of local self government. Pilgrim Institute serves families, Christian leaders, concerned citizens, businessmen, and educators, equipping them […]
How The Mighty Works of God Came to Be
My journey in producing The Mighty Works of God series goes back many years. It begins first with a personal journey of internal heart change when, as a Christian, I realized the Providential Hand of God in history, past, present, and future. I have partially told this story on our Pilgrim Institute blog and if […]